
natani portfolio

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Don Davidson
28 days ago
Hello Just wondering if your paypal extension is still working

28 days ago
Hello sir! Yes, the PayPal extension is still working. If you need any help with it, please let me know.
Dave Johnson
11 months ago
My online AbanteCart shop has developed a set of customers and their email addresses. Does the Aweber Email marketing extension allow me do access this set of customers for my campaign. Most have signed up for a newsletter that has yet to be designed and delivered.
11 months ago
Hello sir.
the Aweber Email marketing extension allow you export abante customers to your aweber account

Have a nice day.
Omar Toledo
5 months ago
hi for some reason my costumers can not download any pdf file can any on show me how it is
5 months ago
Buy "Orders PDF" abante cart extension and generate pdf invoices.

Have a nice day.
Mark Chesterton
2 years ago
I've made a comment on your Facebook Catalogue Feed extension but I don't think you've seen it.
Am I right in thinking that this is for automatically adding items from my website to my Facebook shop?

Will it also sync and delete items as soon as they are deleted from my website?
2 years ago
Hello sir. Feed extension provide the feed to update the Facebook catalog. Please read facebook help how to use catalogs.
Mark Chesterton
2 years ago
Thank you. I know how to use Facebook pages for selling. I was hoping to find an extension that will auto-update as and when I list and sell on my website which I think this is what does.

I'm not yet ready to purchase, but I will soon.
srikanth sambari
3 years ago
i recently update abantecart 1.2 to 1.3 latest versoin ,but your extentions not working in 1.3

please tell me what i want to do
3 years ago
Please update extensions
JAC-LED Lighting
3 years ago
regarding your excel exporter: can you include other fields in the export ? ( or at lease export the product ID)
3 years ago
Hi. Export have the product id and the small image.
Have a nice day