AbanteCart Extended Support
Who is this document for:
This is a quick reference for extension developer or individual selling extension on AbanteCart Marketplace.
Purchase of the extension on the marketplace grants customers a single-use license with 120 days of support and updates.The price of each product includes 4 months of free support: during this period following the purchase date, customers can contact you with technical and functional questions, and you are responsible to provide all product updates.
The marketplace offers the author an option to sell extended support for the period of 1 year starting from the date of purchase. Extended support for a product applies to a single store and includes both technical support and updates for the product concerned. 1-year term starts from the date of support purchase.
NOTE: Extension updates distribution will not be available for customers with expired support orders. In other words, if you publish an updated version of your extension it will be available only for customers with active support.
Where can I enable Extended Support?
Login to your Marketplace account and go to the edit page of the extension. The extended support checkbox option is available right after the price field.
When extended support is enabled, the customer may choose to purchase 1 year of support. Extended support can be purchased at later times as well
Can the customer request a prolongation?
If you enabled the extended support in the extension you sell, the support can be purchased and extended by the customer.
How much does Extended Support cost?
Extended Support cost is calculated as 30% from the extension base price or $5 if the 30% percent is less than $5.
The date of support expiration will show up on the top of the order communication page.