Exit Popup

Exit Pop

Is a Exit intent popup which means it pops open a offer window if the user is going to close the browser window.
Offer coupon codes, a subscription link or offers.
This pop up only pops open a window in the layout area it is assigned to. Example being, if Exitpop block is set on homepage, the popup only pops on the homepage, and only once per page load, set on default product page, only pops on product page.
Very customisable and a handy tool to catch a customer for last offer.
Options Include
Color picker for all color selections.
Select Background Color
Select Border Color
Select Image On or off
Uploads or add Image from resources
adjustment image width and height
Select Image Link On or Off
Select Title Text On or Off
Select Title heading tag
Select Title Text bold or normal,
Select Title Text italics or normal
Select Title Offer text Color
Select Text Area 1 Text On or Off
Select Text Area 1 Text bold or normal,
Select Text Area 1 heading tag
Select Text Area 1 Text italics or normal
Select Text Area 1 Text Color
Select Text Area 2 heading tag
Select Text Area 2 Text On or Off
Select Text Area 2 Text bold or normal,
Select Text Area 2 Text italics or normal
Select Text Area 2 Text Color
Select Link Button On or Off
Select Link Button Text bold or normal,
Select Link Button Text italics or normal
Select Button Link Text Color
Select Button Color
Select Button Text bold or normal,
Select Button Text italics or normal
Select Close Link On or Off
Select Close Link heading tag
Select Close Link Text Color
Select Close Text bold or normal,
Select Close Text italics or normal
see screenshots,

   Other extensions by DannyWilliams146:

Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From United States
Member since Feb 08, 2018

   Viewed 39444 times

   Posted 0 comments


Extension ID: exitpop
Extension Latest Version: 1.0.9
AbanteCart Version: 1.2+, 1.3+
Created: May 16, 2018
Last updated: May 07, 2021

   Extension Tags