React Image Slider

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Lee LeGrand
2 years ago
Is this slider responsive? And what is the best image size in your opinion?
2 years ago
Hello sir. Please look at our demo
Demo image set with 1600x1000 without text

Have a nice day
Nuno Martins
3 years ago
Hi natani is it possible for you to make some changes in the code of react image slider so i can create some banners that will show to a certain usergroup and others that will show only to an other usergroup?
3 years ago
Hi Nuno. Yes it is possible.
John Chickering
5 years ago
Two more questions, please: I read where recommended image width is 1600px. We can do that; size of each image will then be 1600px width by 800px height. How do we set React Image Slider to maintain consistent responsive display aspect ratio of 2 to 1 width to height, which would be correct proportion for these images? Also, how to we set React Image Slider to not show any headline or subheadline text over the images? Thank you again. -- John C
5 years ago
Default images are 1170px * 400px. In the same proportion you can create an 1600px * 550px images and so on.
The headline is the Banner name you have in Design > Banners > Banner Group: React image slider banners. The sub line is the 'Meta information' field in banner. To hide all those add css to
extensions/react_slider/storefront/view/default/css/react_slider.css at very bottom
add next rules

.slider__slide-content h3, .slider__slide-content h2, .slider__slide-content a {opacity:0}

Have a nice day

John Chickering
5 years ago
Thank you, Natani - ! Good answer with the info and suggestions I needed. And so quickly too. With your good service I will look for more of your extensions to purchase. Enjoy your day. -- John C
John Chickering
5 years ago
Hello, we have purchased and installed React Image Slider for Abantecart and we want to set it to show our images in correct proportion. All of our images are 1400px wide by 700px high. Please tell me where in file react_slider.css or in related .js or .tpl files to make necessary adjustment? Thank you. -- John C.

Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From Hong Kong
Member since Jun 01, 2014
Avg. Response Time 11 days, 20 hours, 38 minutes

   Viewed 83522 times

   Posted 8 comments


Extension ID: react_slider
Extension Latest Version: 1.0.10
AbanteCart Version: 1.2+, 1.3+
Created: Jul 16, 2018
Last updated: Jul 30, 2023