Payment Fee: Multiple fees by Location commission

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Adewale Aloko
6 years ago
Can this work for different cities instead of for different countries? I.e set different shipping fee for different cities within the same country?
6 years ago
Hello. It works by 'locations' you create in your abante admin. Few or one country and selected or all states within countries but city is something entered by customer can be typos, mistakes, misspells.
If you have an idea 'how to', we can develop 'payment fee by cities'.
Bryan Smith
8 years ago
I keep getting this error: Warning: Order min max totals and payment fee are required & must be a numbers!

But all of the fields are complete as it's asking. What to do?
8 years ago
Hello Bryan. What is your values in Order Sub-Total Min, Max and Fee in the Extensions -> Order totals -> Payment Fee total? Enter positive natural numbers like 1, 12, 200 and avoid numbers like +1,25
The more details you provide the easies for us to find and solve the problem. It would be nice if you could provide a screenshot.
Bryan Smith
8 years ago
min:0 Max:100000 3.5% I don't know how to take a screen shot.

Bryan Smith
8 years ago
never-mind, I set the 0 to a 1 on the order minimum and it works now. thanks.

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From Hong Kong
Member since Jun 01, 2014
Avg. Response Time 4 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes

   Viewed 146245 times

   Posted 6 comments


Extension ID: fee_payment
Extension Latest Version: 1.0.15
AbanteCart Version: 1.1.6, 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 1.1.9, 1.2+, 1.3+, 1.4+
Created: Oct 17, 2014
Last updated: Aug 21, 2024