Admin Grids Excel Export

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Lee LeGrand
11 years ago
this extension does not work as described. It does a good job of pulling the info into a spreadsheet.
However, it ignores any of the filters or sorts that are selected. As in the products grids, regardless of the filter or sort - it only returns ALL of the products. Additionally it does not report the status field correctly. I have products turned off and on, but the spreadsheet reports them all as on.

This would be an awesome extension if it performed as described.
I have observed this in both versions 1.1.8 and 1.1.9.
10 years ago
Our apology for the late notice on this message, we will soon be upgrading our extension and we will surely look on to this problem on our next release.

JAC-LED Lighting
4 years ago
Suggestion for Improvement : Customize WHICH fields can be exported
( or at lease add a few more to the export )
Nuno Martins
4 years ago
Hello, i need something to do inventory os all products that i have in my site.

1- Will this work with version 1.3 of abantecart ?
2 - Will this pull all products, including option products?

Lee LeGrand
4 years ago
I do not know why I at WHY2 received your inquiry. This IS NOT one of our extensions. It is from Algozone. I did buy it some years ago in hopes that it would work. It does Not. We have made a version of it for our clients that does work. But I can say it will NOT provide you an export of your products and any of their options. - this is true for both the Algozone extension here and our Quick Grid Export.

I would suggest if you really want something that works for inventory you should look at our Advanced Reports. Our version for 1.3.0 will be out in a few days after we have completed all of our testing.
4 years ago
The extension is not yet compatible with 1.3

AlgoZone, Inc.

Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From United States
Member since Feb 23, 2014
Avg. Response Time 19 hours, 10 minutes

   Viewed 96429 times

   Posted 6 comments


Extension ID: grid_excel_export
Extension Latest Version: 1.0.2
AbanteCart Version: 1.1+, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7, 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1.2.10, 1.2.11, 1.2.12, 1.2.13, 1.2.14, 1.2.15, 1.2.16
Created: Apr 27, 2014
Last updated: Feb 17, 2021