Supplier Extension

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Vaibhav Shete
4 years ago
Hi does this extension allow our suppliers their independent login and facility to add their products and check online?
4 years ago
No. The Supplier extension is built handle shipping requirements for different suppliers. The built in API tools in AbanteCart can be used to allow suppliers to add their own products.
Vaibhav Shete
4 years ago
does this supplier extension allows our suppliers to add their products
Nik S
4 years ago

I have tried to contact you through email and through here about an issue in regards to the latest abantecart upgrade and a bug that occurs in the supplier concerning the guest checkout.

Were you able to figure out anything?

4 years ago
The issue has been resolved.
4 years ago

You mentioned you upgraded. Did you edit the core files like it says in the instructions? Very important for guest check out. Did you upload the files I sent you?

Also I did find another issue with the messaging when submitting an invalid coupon but it does not affect processing of the order. I will send upload a new version with my cumulative fixes as soon as i resolve the issue.

As a note, if you are not using coupons, you can turn off the coupon box under Extensions -> Totals.

4 years ago

Since the AbanteCart guys did the upgrade for you, I would bet they did not edit the core files. This is why you are having an issue with the guest checkout. I am assuming you have difficulty editing the files your self. I will try and see what I can do for you, but you must first upgrade Supplier with version 1.3.4. It is now available. Let me know when you do.

I did email you the files in the reply email I sent you. No matter now because they are in the update version.
4 years ago

Are you logged into the marketplace when you click the link?
4 years ago

I am in your server now. I see all of the extensions to upgrade are doing the same thing. Not sure why but it appears to be on the marketplace side. Since I am in here, I will take care of the upgrade.
4 years ago
You are all set. Let me know if you find any other issues.

By the way, I like to new look. But I do see problems in your error logs related to your theme. The reason for the problems you had with Supplier and the problems you are having with your template right now are related to the version of php you are running on your server. Some changes were made in the latest release that are not backward compatible with older versions.
4 years ago

When I checked your php version originally I swear it was higher but now I see you are running version 7.1 now? Did you downgrade? The changes started in php 7.2 and more in 7.3. Version 7.2 should be ok, but you do want to keep up on the latest. Supplier works on the latest version. It is just a couple of fixes required to make your theme work correctly.
4 years ago
Your error logs are the primary source for troubleshooting. You will need to understand php though. I suggest clearing your error logs then navigate around your site and go back and check the error log. Send any errors to the people you got the theme template from. They should be able to correct the causes.
Anup Mitra
4 years ago
I am looking for an extension, that would integrate with AliExpress to dropship. Which means I will be able to import products from aliexpress and dropship them similar to what Oberlo does in Shopify. Any ideas of any such extension here or any plan for Supplier Extension to have this capability?

4 years ago
The Supplier extension is built around the ability to set up different shipping parameters based on the requirements of multiple drop ship suppliers. No intention at this time to build anything like Oberlo.
madhav kate
5 years ago
1) Is supplier login option available??

2) Can Supplier upload their products by self??
5 years ago
The supplier extension is designed to use different shipping options for different suppliers. If you want to have suppliers log in an manage their own products, take a look at the built in API functions.
5 years ago
The supplier extension is designed to use different shipping options for different suppliers. If you want to have suppliers log in an manage their own products, take a look at the built in API functions.
madhav kate
5 years ago
Please tell any one about support of CSOnline.

After purchase they are supporting or not?
5 years ago
madhav kate

I am not familiar with Flipkart to answer this question. What this extension does is support individual shipping options per supplier. All products from each supplier are grouped and the shipping methods used for each supplier are applied. Much the same way Amazon does with products shipped from multiple locations. The extension was originally created to support drop shippers. There is no demo site set up but I can provide you a link to my test site if your are interested. I offer full support.
madhav kate
5 years ago
Please Provide Link
madhav kate
5 years ago
Can you Show Demo before Purchase
madhav kate
5 years ago
Thus this Extension works for Multi vendor like Amazon FlipKart ..etc?
Hussin Joharji
6 years ago
did this will allow me to import product from AliExpress or Wish?

also if there is a demo site for testing how to import thats will be great
thanks and best regards.
6 years ago

Supplier extension is not for importing products. It is designed to be a tool that allows multiple shipping options for each supplier.
4 years ago

I was a way a bit and missed this message. This is a problem when the extension is manually uploaded. When it is uploaded through the marketplace, your database is automatically updated to the newly installed version. Since I do not have access to your database, I can't change the version value. If you want to fix this, you will need to edit the extensions table, find the row where key = supplier and set the version to 1.3.5.
4 years ago
Yep, the only issue is the display of the version number. Actually I think if you attempt to reinstall, it may not let you. I know how anoying it can be to keep seeing the same message. easiest way to get rid of it is to update the database.

Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From United States
Member since Apr 03, 2016
Avg. Response Time 42 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes

   Viewed 100953 times

   Posted 31 comments


Extension ID: supplier
Extension Latest Version: 1.3.5
AbanteCart Version: 1.2+, 1.2.7, 1.2.8, 1.2.10, 1.2.11, 1.2.12
Created: Oct 03, 2016
Last updated: Dec 18, 2020