Group change category of product

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Nuno Martins
4 years ago
Hi dvagner, this works with new version of abantecart?
4 years ago
Hello, Nuno Martins
Yes, checked on Abantecart 1.2.16

Nuno Martins
4 years ago
Nice and simple extension that save me alot of work :)
Nuno Martins
4 years ago
Hello dvagner, theres a bug in your extension, I found out now when I was going to delete an order that a person canceled and abantecart simply does not delete the order, I was deactivating extension by extension and when I deactivated your extension I was able to delete the order.

Can you please fix this?
4 years ago
Can you provide errors from log?

My code not used in orders grid
Nuno Martins
4 years ago
I have no error in the error log, the only thing is that i cant delete an order if your extension is On, i need to disable it and then i can delete the clients order.
4 years ago
I cant replicate this issue. Please provide message from error log.
Nuno Martins
4 years ago
Like i already told you i have no error message in my log, but i already tested and when i try to delete a clients order, and your extension is enabled, abantecart doesnt delete the order, if i disable your extension, abantecart deletes the order. But i dont get any error in the log.
Nuno Martins
3 years ago
Hi dvagner, i was having issues with the modal function of my Abantecart and like i told you before your extension was not working 100% when it was on i couldnt delete or edit anything in my shop Examples: Users - Products - Orders
I was hoping you would solve this problem but you never did. Your extension is very useful to switch products categories, and when i was done i had to deactivate it so i could edit or delete whatever i need to.
After this i noticed that my modal function in Abantecart was not working, i was freaking out and after inspecting everything comparing a new installation of an abantecart with my site, I found no differences, so it could only be some extension that was in conflict with the abantecart, so I started by deactivating one by one and testing and nothing, was all same, then I started uninstalling each extension one by one, when I turned off your extension the modal function of Abantecart was working again.
If you want, i can show you with teamviewer what i mean.

3 years ago
Hi, We publish new version
3 years ago
There were no complaints from other users
Nuno Martins
3 years ago
Is there a live demo so i can try it out before buying it?
Nuno Martins
11 months ago
Hello dvagner i sent you a message 2 weeks ago about your extension giving me error with php8.1


Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From Russia
Member since Apr 25, 2016

   Viewed 82332 times

   Posted 13 comments


Extension ID: group_change_category
Extension Latest Version: 4.2
AbanteCart Version: 1.2+, 1.3+
Created: May 03, 2017
Last updated: Oct 22, 2021