Flate rate shipping plus free freight

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Theresa Mather
8 years ago
Is there a way to set multiple flat rate tiers based on purchase price, plus free above a certain purchase amount, within a zone?
8 years ago
No, sorry our is base on geo zones

Theresa Mather
8 years ago
It appears to only set the USA zone. I do not see a way to change zone in order to set rates for other zones.
Husna Hassan
7 years ago
this shipping only for USA zones only??
Oliver Simoes
9 years ago
I'm disappointed at this extension. It doesn't do much. It won't let me offer free shipping on specific shipping methods, let's say, Ground only. I'm obligated to offer free shipping across the board, for all shipping methods! Also, I tried to define free shipping above a certain dollar amount, but it didn't work. Major disappointment!
9 years ago

As its name says it is flate rate shipping with the option to have a free shipping if your customer buy more than a quantity, this extension doesn't modify any other shipping method work as it is. You can set free shipping cost for each shipping zone you have defined, so please be sure you are setting right values and in correct geo zone, and you choose the shipping country on your order.

Oliver Simoes
9 years ago
I'm reading from your comments that this extension will not override my current shipping methods, but it did. Once I set it, no other shipping methods are available. I'll need your help to get this right. Please provide the step by step instructions. Currently, I don't offer flat rate.
9 years ago

Can you send me admin credentials to my email, I want to check your shipping settings, to support@ocmodules.com
Oliver Simoes
9 years ago
Sorry, my company has a policy of not giving third-party access to our shopping cart or website. Please tell me what I need to look for. Thanks.

Single Installation License


Single installation, is for use by single site or one copy of application using this extension

Extension is provided with 120 day support from author with free upgrades within this time frame


From Spain
Member since Jun 18, 2015

   Viewed 111169 times

   Posted 9 comments


Extension ID: flat_rate_shipping_plusfree
Extension Latest Version: 1.0.3
AbanteCart Version: 1.2+
Created: Jun 18, 2015
Last updated: Nov 09, 2015