8 years ago
Hi! If there is external references and multilingual support?
8 years ago
Hello. What do you mean about external reference? Template will work with any language installed on Abantecart. You can manage language entries in the template same way you do with others.

8 years ago
Thank you for answer! I mean the external link ''Powered By AbanteCart'' which I can't delete.

Jean-Pierre GEORGES
8 years ago
I just buy this extension but impossible to install. I test all possibility for install. Direct by code, upload by ftp but i have the same result :
" Error: Cannot locate file package.xml inside of extracted extension. Possibly extension was not extracted correctly."
Help me please, thanks
Jean-Pierre GEORGES
8 years ago
I am on 1.2.8 version of AbentCart. The last version
8 years ago
This is strange. Possibly there are permission issues. Did you try to FTP content of code/extensions/simply_stylish into abantecart extensions directory?

If you still have issues, please email me FTP and admin access to your site.
Shawn Rimbey
8 years ago
The recent update to 1.1 downloads but wont install. I am still running 1.0.1.
Please contact me at admin@primalsanctuary.com
Mark de Pinna
8 years ago
Hi there,
I am a new subscriber and would like to know a few things please. Once I purchase the AbanteCart - Simply Stylish Responsive Template, do I have to purchase anything else? I would need to use a PayFast for South Africa payment system, but that looks basic. Also a courier that is in South Africa. I run a T-Shirt branding company and looking at this template, it looks perfect for what I want to do, looks very simple to use. On the demo you have a T-Shirt product section with a purchase, size, colour. Is there a way of putting a logo or file upload? This is needed for me to check the artwork and the best method of branding. Once this is done then I would email the client with artwork approvals. So it's the client purchasing the T-Shirt but also the branding to go with it. Possibly you have a site that has this functionality, that I could look at. Thanks. Mark
Syed Setia Pernama Syed Idris
9 years ago
I supposed that remove elements in the front page is easy? For an example, product list, features etc are not needed for our purposes.. we only want to show them when user choose the products in the menu. Just needed to clarity before we go ahead with the purchase because there is no trial.. lol.
9 years ago

Elements on the main page are managed by Abantecart layout. It is easy. You can drag / drop blocks and enable/disable them.

Alan Williams
9 years ago
Hey Maxter,

I can't seem to change my banner images or details and as soon as I do, it goes off; ai'm not very experienced and was hoping the template would make things easy but I'm having a bit of a tough time. Could you please check it out and tell me what should be done ( i use godaddy)

Alan Williams
9 years ago
The reason I had bought your template was for the impressive banner slider and its responsiveness; If it doesn't work I'm afraid I'll be thoroughly disappointed.

Alan Williams
9 years ago
Anyway of changing the highlight colour to blue rather than the standard red it is at now?

(the previous question still holds) I haven't been able to solve it.
9 years ago
There is a manual about slide included in the download.

You need to use HTML example provided and upload your image

...<br><img class="slide-item-banner" src="image/your_image.jpg"><br>

You need to upload image in to your cart into image folder.

9 years ago
By upload I mean use FTP to upload. You can also create resource in resource library and include the link from resource library. What ever is easier.

You can email me your image, text and access to your admin and I will create a banner for you.

You can find my email at the top of the manual.

Alan Williams
9 years ago
Where do I locate the manual? The installation of the template occured on its own and I didnt download any compressed files to install the same.

And changing the slider is not easy? as I hope to add a different image and offer every other week.
9 years ago
You can download manual under your marketplace account in download section.
Alan Williams
9 years ago
Please Help me regarding the slider!
Alan Williams
9 years ago
please check skysouk.com/home and tell me what I'm doing wrong with my banner slider. Please.
9 years ago
Sure, please email me details with access to your admin
Peter Bilardello
9 years ago
Basic question, purchased your Simply stylish template. Read install template manual. I'm assuming I need to upload the Abantecart first then the template? If not how? Thanks,
9 years ago
You need to install AbanteCart first and install the template as any other extension. Check this manual as well http://docs.abantecart.com/pages/extensions/install.html
Peter Bilardello
8 years ago
I purchase the AbanteCart - Simply Stylish Responsive Template about 7 months ago.
I'm very happy with the templet, but have never been able to get the banner to work. I have a static display to fill in the space at present but it looks tacky.
I believe I've corrupted the banner module. Is there a way to recover that module and/or code?

Peter Bilardello
8 years ago
Regarding the above our site is 4reelproducts.com
Nino Bulalauri
9 years ago

Thank you for the new design. Please provide an instruction as to how to resize the width of the website, since the function "Width" located in Design > Template > Edit Template doesn't work properly (cuts the design from the right hand side).
9 years ago
Hi Mantis. Width is controlled by template setting "Storefront Site Width". What value do you set?

I think if you set less than 1200px, template might not fit in a full display and some elements will wrap.
It is recommended to have 100%.

This is because of Bootstrap definition for width of screens. Check link below:


Nino Bulalauri
9 years ago
Hello Maxter.

Thank you for your reply.
Can you please tell me the crop size of the main banner? Everytime I try to upload 900x600 size banner it crops to the size that is not acceptable for me. Thank you.
9 years ago
Best approach if you create an image with the same proportion of dimensions as default example banner image. It is 900 × 702. Can you post or email your site URL?
Nino Bulalauri
9 years ago
Can I please have you e-mail address?
9 years ago
You can locate my email in the help document at the top of the page. Thanks
Nino Bulalauri
9 years ago
I'm sorry but I cannot locate your e-mail.
Please contact me at support@mantis.ge
Thank you.
Nino Bulalauri
9 years ago
Maxter, please provide the dimensions of the left and right coloumns in the main page layout. Thanks.
9 years ago
Columns are set to automatic bootstrap width with CSS class col-md-3. It is 25%

.col-md-3 {
width: 25%;
9 years ago
There is no set fixed width.